馃寠 Blog!

I mostly blog about AI, Reinforcement Learning, and AI competitions. Sometimes there鈥檚 some art or movies/tv shows thrown in the mix. To be updated on when I make new blog posts, follow me on twitter! Other than this blog, I鈥檓 a rising senior at UCSD doing research in RL and Robotics, and I also run the Lux AI Challenge.

High Precision Function Approximation With Decision Trees and Neural Networks

While at QuantCo, I worked on a function approximation problem with high dimensionality and many discontinuities. I introduce some of our work that tackles these problems using decision trees, neural networks, and more.

December 15, 2021 路 22 min 路 Stone Tao

A Survey of AI Programming Challenges

I analyze the spectrum of AI programming challenges such as Halite, Battlecode, and Screeps. Additionally I also analyze my own competition I helped build with my team called the Lux AI Challenge.

June 20, 2021 路 15 min 路 Stone Tao

How to Survive a Graduate Course as an Undergrad

I share my experiences taking a graduate computer vision course, and discuss why you should take graduate courses, how to succeed/survive in one, tips on deep-learning courses, and tips on enrolling in graduate courses at UCSD.

March 22, 2021 路 11 min 路 Stone Tao

Battlecode 2021 Postmortem

My Battlecode 2021 Post Mortem. This time however, the post will focus more on general ideas and concepts I found through competingin the annual 1 month AI programming sprint. It will still have the traditional "Battlecode Timeline" and also includes my evaluation of the Battlecode design.

February 21, 2021 路 37 min 路 Stone Tao

The Beauty and Brilliance of Tales From the Loop

Tales From the Loop, an artbook by Simon St氓lenhag turned TV series speaks volumes about leaving the unexplained unexplained, and coming to terms with everything. In this post I explore the beauty and brilliance behind it.

December 20, 2020 路 5 min 路 Stone Tao